Illustrations of World Mythology: Featuring paintings and pictures of Ancient  Myths and Legends of the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Europe. An educational  multi-media gallery of realistic Illustrations of World Mythology and word  paintings by Contemporary American Illustrator Howard David Johnson, whose  illustrations of Mythology have been published all over the world by distinguished  learning institutions and publishers including the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

Presents: Contemporary Mythical Art Galleries ~

 Paintings & Pictures of African, Middle Eastern & Asian Mythology

A Brief introduction to World Mythology with a Gallery of New Paintings, Drawings and Pictures of the gods and goddesses of Mythology in traditional oils, contemporary acrylics and cutting edge digital mixed media in the style of the classic illustrators! 


Semeramiis, Babylonian Queen of Heaven

   RA, Egyptian god of the SUN

Educational Multi-Media Mythical Art Galleries

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 Norse Mythology Greek Mythology Celtic Mythology Women of Mythology Asian Mythology Russian Mythology Classic Fairy Tales Fairy Lore

“Mythology is not a lie, mythology is poetry, it is metaphorical. It has been well said that mythology is the penultimate truth--penultimate because the ultimate cannot be put into words. It is beyond words. Beyond images, beyond that bounding rim of the Buddhist Wheel of Becoming. Mythology pitches the mind beyond that rim, to what can be known but not told.” 

― Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth


Mythology from Africa ~ Egyptian devil gods




ANNUBIS, Egyptian god of Judgment , OSIRIS, Egyptian god of the Dead and  HORUS, Egyptian god of the Morning star and Healing 



 "Egyptian crocodile god Sobek"."Ma'at- Egyptian patroness of truth balance & justice"  and "Thoth, Egyptian god of Wisdom"



HATHOR, Egyptian goddess of Love and Motherhood, and ISIS, Egyptian Nile god Hapi Ancient Egyptian Patroness of Nature & Magic 


Are the gods & monsters of Mythology the Watchers, Fallen Angels & Nephilim?

They may be indeed : for the Apocalypse foretells a yet future sojourn of fallen angels upon earth, an event which will quickly dispel skepticism in regard to the past. But even now the evidence is ample, and may be found, not merely in the Biblical account of the Nephilim, but in the myths of all nations. What significance, for example, are we to attach to the story that Ceres instructed men in agriculture ? Why is music attributed to Apollo, eloquence to Mercury ? Whence arose the legend of the great Titan, who, in defiance of Zeus, expounded the civilizing arts to men, taught them medicine, astronomy, and divination, and stole fire for them from heaven ? Or, again, is there no basis of fact for the catalogue, contained in the mysterious book of Enoch, of arts which the Nephilim are said to have introduced among men ;* no reflection of truth in the appeal of Michael and his companions, when they say ; — " See, then, what Azazal has done ; how he has taught all wickedness on earth, and has revealed the secrets of the world which were prepared in the heavens" ?* The Book of Enoch, ii. 8. t Ibtd., ii 9. 


Manifestation of Ma'at to the faithful with the holy feather in the Temple of Karnak



The World's Oldest Myths ~ Tales from the Middle East~


     "The EPIC of GILGAMESH"


Semeramiis or Ishtar, Babylonian Queen of Heaven


"Gilgamesh and The Bull of Heaven"


From South Asia and the Far East~



"Krishna and the Serpent" from India



"Legend of  Susanuo" from Japan

Chinese Dragon



From Russia and the far north~


Veles Slavic lord of the Forest


Belobog the White God


Chernobog the Black God


Thank you for visiting Howard David Johnson's Paintings of World Mythology~ 

Check back soon for more Paintings of World Mythology~ 

Who is American Illustrator Howard David Johnson?

In one of David's invitations to the Florence Biennale Contemporary Art Exhibition, (a partner in the United Nations' Dialog among Nations), UN Secretary General Kofi Anon wrote him: "Artists have a special role to play in the global struggle for peace. At their best, artists speak not only to people; they speak for them. Art is a weapon against ignorance and hatred and an agent of public awareness... Art opens new doors for learning, understanding, and peace among nations."

      Howard David Johnson is a contemporary realistic artist and photographer with a background in the natural sciences and history.  David works in a wide variety of mixed media ranging from oil on canvas to digital media. David's realistic illustrations have made appearances in every major bookstore and game shop chain in America as well as magazines and educational texts around the world. 

   Some of David's more prestigious clients have included the University of Texas, the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge in England, The Australian Mint, The National Geographic Society, Paramount Studios, Universal Studios, MGM Studios, Warner Brothers Home Video, ABC/Disney, CBS TV, PBS TV, The History Channel, Enslow Educational Publishers, Adobe Photoshop, Auto FX, Tree-Free Greeting, Verizon wireless, Apple IPOD, Penguin, Doubleday (Now Random House), Harlequin Top Historical Romances, and the History Book of the Month Club, as well as appearing in periodical publications like Popular Photography and the Wall Street Journal.   


howard david johnson portrate picture

A Traditional style portrait of the artist. [Photo by his son Erich.]

   After a lifetime of drawing and painting, David's Traditional Art was exhibited in the British Museum in London in 1996, ( 3 years before he got his first computer ) as well as numerous American ones since, such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 


    Working in a variety of media David offers his customers a variety of options and more than three decades of experience. As an illustrator he has not only used the computer but has been involved in the development and marketing of software for Adobe Photoshop. Digital art, Colored pencils, Pastels, Mixed media, & also Oil Paintings can also be commissioned for select projects.Digital illustration projects start at $500.U.S. and group rates are available. David delivers custom made copyright free illustrations & old fashioned customer service when he does work-for-hire. To publish existing pieces of his realistic art, David sells licenses starting at only $99.USD.


Keep Scrolling Down for More... 


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Your business, letters and links are always welcome!



Enter a world of Beauty and Imagination...


The Realistic and Fantastic Art Galleries of Contemporary American Illustrator Howard David Johnson

Click on these Fun Educational Realistic Art Gallery link icons  for Two-fisted Tales of VALOR & Frontline Combat featuring Legendary Warriors of History, Knights and ladies of Arthurian Legend, Celtic, Nordic, Asian and Olympian gods & monsters, unicorns, dragons, fairies... and more!

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Angel Art King Arthur Norse Mythology Greek Mythology Legends of History Fantasy Art Celtic Mythology Great Religions  Mythic Women Fairy Paintings Asian Mythology Russian Mythology
\ Colored pencil portraits Art Gallery II.jpg (12252 bytes) Realistic Art Instruction link.jpg (14563 bytes) Pre- raphaelite Art link.jpg (16219 bytes)
Mermaid Art  History Part Two

Classic Fairy Tales

History of Dragons Pencil Portraits I Studio Photography Colored Pencils II

Art Instruction

Realistic Paintings Pre-Raphaelite Art Legendary Women Warrior Women
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The Art of War  Mythic Creatures About Realistic Art Science Fiction Art Beautiful Women Art NuVeau  Fantasy Pin ups Fairy Lore Flower Fairies

Spartan Warriors

 Lost Atlantis   Lady of Shallot
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Catholic Art  Art of the Bible Symbolist Art Surrealist Art Commercial Art Business Center Style & Technique  Biographical Paintings in Oils ELVES Digital Techniques Art Link Exchange

All these pieces of art and the text are legally copyrighted and were registered with the U.S. Library of Congress Office of Copyright by the author, Howard David Johnson All rights reserved worldwide. Permission for many academic or non-commercial uses is freely and legally available by simply contacting the author via e-mail or visiting


More Galleries featuring Howard David Johnson's Paintings of World Mythology~ 






Thank you for visiting Howard David Johnson's Paintings of World Mythology~ 

All these pieces of art and the text are legally copyrighted and were registered with the U.S. Library of Congress Office of Copyright by the author, Howard David Johnson All rights reserved worldwide. Permission for many academic or non-commercial uses is freely and legally available by simply contacting the author via e-mail or visiting


Dinosaur Art Realistic Art Fantastic subject matter Brontosaurus Tyranosaurus Rex